Code of Conduct
Company employees must be honest, fair and trustworthy in all business activities and relationships and must avoid conflicts of interest between work and personal affairs. They must learn the policies of the company and specific policies, laws and regulations governing their area of responsibility. When unsure of a policy, law or regulation, employees must contact their manager or legal staff for advice. They must promptly report concerns through appropriate channels.
Employees must display a personal commitment to obeying company policies, laws and regulations and promptly raise concerns or potential violations to appropriate channels.
The company will create and maintain a business with fair employment practices for all employees and will create and maintain a safe workplace for employees.
The company will strive to protect the environment.
Company leadership will create, maintain and recognize ethical values throughout the organization.
Company leaders have a responsibility to prevent violations of company policy, laws and regulations and responding promptly to concerns.
The company employees can at any time raise concerns and/or complaints to his/her first reporting superior who will than bring the matter to its related committee.
Employees violating company policies, laws and regulations will face penalties.