Clinical Intererests
Tr - En
50 ₺/min
Estetik Kaplama, Gülüş Estetiği
Hacettepe Üniversitesi - 2001
Başak Yılmaz Erol

Başak Yılmaz Erol

Specialist, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Aykaç Diş
50 ₺/min
Botox, Gömük Diş Operasyonları, Lazer Cerrahisi, Çene Cerrahisi, İmplant Tedavisi, İmplantoloji, Apse ve Kist Operasyonları, Ağız İçinde Yara, Dolgu, Diş Apsesi, Diş Eksikliği, Diş Çekimi, Diş İltihabı, Diş İmplantı, Enfeksiyon Tedavileri, Genel Anestezi, Genel Ağız Diş ve Çene Cerrahisi, Rezeksiyon(Kök Ucu) Operasyonları, Sedasyon İle Diş Tedavisi, Sinus Lifting, Subgingival Küretaj, Yirmilik Diş, Çene Büyüklüğü, Çene Cerrahisi, Çene Eklem Hastalıkları (Temporomandibular Eklem Hastalıkları), Çene Şekil Bozuklukları
Başkent Üniversitesi - 2016
Hacettepe Üniversitesi - 2021
Arzu Akman

Arzu Akman

Specialist, Endodontics
Tr - En
50 ₺/min
Kanal Tedavisi, Diş Dolgusu, Endodonti, Protez, Zirkon Kaplama, Kompozit Dolgu, Porselen Dolgu, Perforasyon Tedavisi, Diş Taşı Temizliği
İstanbul Üniversitesi - 1994
İstanbul Üniversitesi - 2000
Burak Ayrik

Burak Ayrik

Aykaç Diş
50 ₺/min
Endodonti, Kanal Tedavisi, Ağrılı Dişler, Daimi Dişlerin Kanal Tedavisi, Lezyonlu (Enfekte) Dişler, Travmalı Dişler, Kırık Dişler
Hacettepe Üniversitesi - 2017
Ahmet Oskay

Ahmet Oskay

Tr - En
50 ₺/min
Diş Hekimliği, Kanal Tedavisi, Kompozit Dolgu, Kompozit Lamine, Zirkonyum Diş, Emax Kaplama, Porselen Kaplama, Cerrahi Diş Çekimleri, Estetik Uygulamalar
Ege Üniversitesi - 2009
Muhammet Hekim

Muhammet Hekim

, Dentist
30 ₺/min
Koruyucu Hekimlik Uygulamaları, Ağız Bakımı, Ağız Kokusu, Diş Eti Hastalıkları, Eklem Bozuklukları, Çocuklarda Diş Gelişimi
İstanbul Üniversitesi - 2015
50 ₺/min
Genel Diş Hekimliği, Hipnodonti
Gazi Üniversitesi - 1988
50 ₺/min
Implant, Protez ,Cerrahi, Tedavi
İstanbul Üniversitesi - 1988

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If you care about your dental health and want to take good care of your teeth and gums, you can instantly book an online appointment with our specialist dentists listed on our page. All the dentists here are experts in their field and are here to guide you correctly regarding your dental health. Dentists from all over Turkey are available on Livemedy right away. Choose from the dentists here for your dental health and give your teeth the care they deserve.

Online Dentist Appointment

Endodontics, root canal treatment, infected tooth treatment, crowns, composite fillings, laminate zirconium teeth, tartar cleaning, or other dental health-related applications... Livemedy is sufficient for all these procedures. By choosing from the adult and pediatric dentist options listed on our page, you can create an appointment in just minutes. The online dentist appointment process with Livemedy is extremely short and practical. Find the most suitable online dentist for your needs, review the dentist's profile if you wish, and click the "Book Appointment" button to easily schedule an appointment for the desired date and time. That's all!

24/7 Dentist Service

The most common dental problems include cavities, gum diseases, tooth sensitivity, tooth erosion, and crooked or crowded teeth. Cavities are defined as damage caused by acids to the tooth enamel, leading to pain, sensitivity, and tooth loss. Additionally, gum diseases are characterized by inflammation and bleeding of the gums, which can progress and lead to tooth loss. Tooth sensitivity causes pain when in contact with hot, cold, or sweet foods and drinks. Tooth erosion, another common dental problem, is caused by the loss of enamel due to acidic foods and drinks, resulting in changes in tooth color, sensitivity, and tooth erosion. Lastly, crooked or crowded teeth can affect dental aesthetics and function, and orthodontic treatment may be required to correct tooth crowding. For advice on all these issues, online dentist appointment service is available on Livemedy. Choose Livemedy for your dental health and have your 24/7 dentist close at hand!

Livemedy Dentists

Dentists among Livemedy healthcare professionals are here to advise you on your root canal treatment, general dental cleaning, composite filling, orthodontic treatment, or any other dental problem. All you need to do is register on the platform and find the dentist you want to consult. Livemedy allows you to connect with the desired online dentist in less than a minute, so you can support your dental health with the right advice at the right time.
