Clinical Intererests
Çağlanur Nacaroğlu

Çağlanur Nacaroğlu

Specialist, Clinical Psychology
Tr - En
5 ₺/min
Işık Üniversitesi, Klinik Psikoloji Yüksek Lisans Eğitimi (Tezli) - 2020
Işık Üniversitesi, Psikoloji Lisans Eğitimi (ingilizce) - 2015
Söderntörn University, Erasmus Programı - 2015
Adem Öztürk

Adem Öztürk

20 ₺/min
Varoluşçu Psikanalitik Psikoterapi, Bireysel Terapi, Yetişkin Terapisi
Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi - 2022
Aslı Özbek

Aslı Özbek

Specialist, Clinical Psychology
30 ₺/min
Depresyon, Anksiyete, Panik Atak, Zorlayıcı Duygular, Varoluşçu Terapi, Kabul ve Kararlılık Terapisi ve Psikodinamik Ekol, Travmalar, Çocukluk Çağı Sorunları, İletişim Sorunları, Değersizlik Hissi, Fobiler ve Varoluş Kaygıları
İstanbul Arel Üniversitesi - 2016
Üsküdar Üniversitesi - 2022
Sarı Psikolojii
30 ₺/min
Bireysel Terapi, Yetişkin Terapisi, Bilişsel ve Davranışçı Terapi
İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi - 2022
Seda Odabaşı Dinç

Seda Odabaşı Dinç

Specialist, Clinical Psychology
30 ₺/min
Kaygı, Panik Atak, Bağlanma Sorunları, Baş Etme Becerileri, Fobiler, Sosyal Kaygı, Özgüven Problemleri, Sağlık Kaygısı, Uyku Bozukluğu, Depresyon, Bağımlılık, Stres, Öfke Kontrolü, Obsesif Kompulsif Bozukluk, Ebeveynlik, İlişki Problemleri, Değersizlik, Kendini Tanıma
Okan Üniversitesi - 2018
İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi - 2016
Ahsen Özden

Ahsen Özden

Specialist, Clinical Psychology
20 ₺/min
Bireysel Yetişkin Terapisi, Depresyon, Panik Bozukluk, Kaygı Bozuklukları, Obsesif Kompulsif Bozukluk, Kayıp ve Yas, Travma ve Travma İle İlgili Oluşabilecek Bozukluklar, Somatizasyon Bozuklukları, Uyum Bozukluğu, Bipolar Bozukluk
İstanbul Arel Üniversitesi - 2017
İstanbul Arel Üniversitesi - 2019
Hilal Tosun Toprak

Hilal Tosun Toprak

10 ₺/min
Ayrılma Kaygısı, Başarısızlık Kaygısı, Beden Algısı, Depresyon, Dikkat Eksikliği / Hiperaktivite, Duygudurum Bozuklukları, Fobi, İletişim Bozuklukları, İş ve Çalışan Psikolojisi, Kaygı (Anksiyete), Kişilik Bozuklukları, Mobbing, Motivasyon Kaybı, Obsesif Kompulsif Bozukluk, Öfke Kontrol Sorunu, Panik Bozukluğu, Spor Psikolojisi, Stresle Başa Çıkma, Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu, Uyku Bozuklukları, Uyum Bozuklukları, Varoluşsal Problemler
Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi - 2017
Ecem Küçükçolak

Ecem Küçükçolak

Specialist, Clinical Psychology
30 ₺/min
Travma ve İlişkili Bozukluklar, Kayıp ve Yas, Bağlanma Sorunları, İlişki Sorunları, Aile İçi İletişim Sorunları, Kişilik Bozuklukları, Kaygı Bozuklukları, Depresyon, Obsesif Kompulsif Bozukluk (Takıntılar), Bilişsel Davranışçı Terapi, Şema Terapi, Kısa Süreli Çözüm Odaklı Terapi, Dışavurumcu Sanat Terapisi
İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi - 2012
İstanbul Okan Üniversitesi - 2017

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With Livemedy, which values mental health as much as physical health, you can book an appointment with any psychologist of your choice to discuss your psychological condition. All you need to do is find the psychologist you’re looking for and schedule an appointment at a convenient day and time for you! Expert psychologists from all over Turkey are ready to listen to you on this page. Whether you need individual therapy or family therapy, you can talk with your psychologist as much as you like. Connect with clinical psychologists who will benefit your mental well-being through Livemedy and improve your health positively!

Online Psychologist Appointments

With Livemedy’s online psychologist appointments, you can find someone to listen to you no matter where you are. Psychologists serving in various locations across Turkey are available at the day and time that suits you. These professionals use techniques such as talking with individuals during psychotherapy sessions, developing problem-solving strategies, and providing emotional support to enhance your quality of life. Additionally, some psychologists offer services in business or corporate environments, demonstrating expertise in increasing workplace productivity, managing personnel selection and placement processes, and improving job satisfaction and employee cohesion. Whatever your need, you can find a solution with Livemedy. Act now for an online psychologist appointment!

Individual or Family Counseling

Psychotherapy includes both individual and family counseling, with both approaches aimed at enhancing the quality of life for individuals and families, or addressing and managing psychological issues. Livemedy psychologists tailor their expertise to the needs of their patients, aiming to touch people’s lives. In individual sessions, you can share your feelings and thoughts about specific issues with your psychologist. In such therapy, you have one-on-one meetings with the psychologist. On the other hand, family counseling addresses family relationships, communication, and dynamics. In this type of therapy, family members receive counseling together and work collaboratively to resolve family issues.

Clinical Psychologists at Livemedy

Whenever you need psychological counseling online, Livemedy is here for you! By instantly booking an online appointment with various psychologists specialized in adult or child therapy, you can access ideas that address increasing anxieties, depression, or panic attacks. The psychologists listed on our page are ready to support you on a wide range of issues from mood disorders to attention deficits. Are your worries about the future increasing? Are you experiencing confidence issues? Is your child’s bedwetting problem still ongoing? Are you unable to resolve family communication issues on your own? For professional support on all these issues, try making an appointment with Livemedy’s doctors.
